Unity Through Yoga: Balancing Mind, Body, and Spirit

Trying to find union within oneself can be a challenge.  The stress of day-to-day life combined with little hiccups along the road can cause mental anguish.  The inability to exercise regularly or a busy schedule preventing us from sticking to a healthy diet can cause physical imbalances.  Not taking the time necessary for oneself can lead to spiritual disharmony as we move further from our true selves to conform to the current world view.  

I have recently gone through a major life change that has thrown everything I once knew completely out of alignment.  Through this upheaval, new growth and opportunities have begun to spring up. I’m finding in my yoga practice as in my life I am being drawn to balance poses and the true purpose of yoga.  Yoga is more than the asanas or poses we perform and practice. The true heart of yoga is about bringing unity to the whole self by connecting mind and spirit with the body.

The true heart of yoga is about bringing unity to the whole self by connecting mind and spirit with the body.   I take a class thinking I'm there to stretch and tone my body. Yoga was created for so much more! Practice begins by calming the mind and slowing the breath.  Then flowing from pose to pose, allowing the breath to carry each movement. The mind quiets focusing on the inhale and exhale, the placement of arms and legs. It's hard to let thoughts wander in while trying to move the body to match the instructor's cues.  As the mind clears our neglected spirit reclaims its rightful place aligned with body and mind. A wholeness returns, a peace, and calm floods our bodies. Unity returns.
